Patient Profile Condensed Report

The Patient Profile condensed report lists prescriptions on the patient’s profile that were last filled within the report period. This report can be used when doctors request information about a patient’s current medications.

To generate the report, the patient must be entered in the Patient field of the Reports window. When a doctor is also entered, the report will list only the prescriptions written by that doctor. When no doctor is specified, the report will list all prescriptions for the report period, regardless of doctor.

Prescription Status

Active DUR records and Long-Term Care prescriptions with the following group Rx statuses ALWAYS print on the report, regardless of the report period:

  • P - First Fill Print Only
  • C - First Fill Print Only External
  • G - Active Government Regular Dose
  • N - Active Government Non-Drug
  • R - Active Government PRN Dose
  • T - Active Treatment
  • V - Active Government External

Extended Criteria

  • When Active Rx’s Only is selected in the Extended report criteria, the report only includes prescriptions and DUR records where the Active flag in the profile is ON. If Active Rx’s Only is not selected, the report lists all prescriptions that were last filled within the report period, as well as all inactive DUR records that have a Performed On Date within the report period (all active DUR records continue to be included, as do the group Rx statues listed above).
  • The Extended criteria option English Only allows the instructions for each prescription on the report to print in English instead of in the language set in Rx Detail.
  • When Medication Review Format is selected, a Comments/ Recommendation area is provided for each prescription. The last page of the report indicates ‘The medications listed on this report were reviewed with the patient on ______’ (a blank line on which the pharmacist can write the date), as well as space for patient and pharmacist signatures. Ontario pharmacies can use the Medication Review Format when performing a Meds Check Medication Review.
  • When the extended criteria option Group DUR Together is selected, all prescriptions are grouped together on the report, followed by all DUR entries. The selected Sort Options are applied within each grouping.
  • When the Include Drug Pictures option is selected, you can preview and/or print the respective drug pictures. If there is no picture in the Drug folder, you will receive a message: Drug Picture Not Available. If there is no color printer, the picture will print in black and white.

Sort Options

There are five sort options for the report:

  • Date: The report is sorted by Date, with the most recent Fill Date or Performed On Date at the top of the report. Within each date, the prescriptions will be listed by Rx# in descending order, so the prescription with the highest Rx# number will be listed first. This is the default sort option.
  • Doctor: The report is sorted alphabetically by doctor. Within each doctor, prescriptions are sorted by Date, following the Date sort option above.
  • Drug Generic Name: The report is sorted alphabetically by drug generic name, strength and form. Within each drug, prescriptions are sorted by Date, following the Date sort option above.
  • Drug Trade Name: The report is sorted alphabetically by drug trade name, strength and form. Within each drug, prescriptions are sorted by Date, following the Date sort option above.
  • Rx#: The report is sorted by Rx# in descending order (the prescription with the highest Rx# number is listed first). This ensures all regular prescriptions are grouped together, as are all narcotics, government prescriptions and DUR entries. DUR records are listed after the prescription records, in order of the DUR number (e.g. 123DUR).

The Save As and Filter options are enabled in report Preview. Filter provides the ability to filter the report based on any of the available columns in the report.

The store logo prints beside the Pharmacy information, provided that a logo has been set in Pharmacy Preferences within PharmaClik Rx.

The patient’s name and address, birth date, third parties, allergies and conditions print at the top of each page in the report.

Sample Report

Click on an area in the sample report to see a description of the field.